January 2009 – Reading Recap

Books Read in January 2009

  1. A Bridge BackPatrick M. Garry
  2. The Darcys & The BingleysMarsha Altman 
  3. Living Dead GirlElizabeth Scott
  4. Skeleton CreekPatrick Carman
  5. The AcademyBentley Little
  6. Ghouls Gone WildTales From The Crypt
  7. FictionAra13
  8. Fairy Tail #1Hiro Mashima
  9. Before I DieJenny Downham
  10. Can You Fear Me Now?Tales From The Crypt
  11. Fruit Brian Francis
  12. This One Is MineMaria Semple
  13. Boneyard Volume 1Richard Moore
  14. ZombieliciousTales From The Crypt
  15. No Beautiful ShoreBeverley Stone
  16. Mercy Among The ChildrenDavid Adams Richards
  17. Breaking DawnStephanie Meyer
  18. Fat Woman Next Door Is PregnantMichel Tremblay
  19. Sister, WifeShelley Hrdlitschka
  20. New Dark Voices 2Brian Keene (editor)
  21. Children Of ChaosGreg F. Gifune
  22. Year Of Magical ThinkingJoan Didion

I’m quite pleased with my reading progress so far this year, I’ve relaxed a bit and ignored the fact that my TBR is glaringly over-populated. Taking my time with my reading has improved my enjoyment of the books I’m reading, even if I feel something slightly annoying I can search out the positives, which makes me happy. Adding some graphic novels and young adult into the mix has also helped me to avoid my normal winter blues reading slump.

After taking a look at my stats this month I have found four things I would like to work on in the coming months:
  • Writing a review as soon as I finish a book – this will help me avoid a review back-up and help re-stock my bank of review posts.
  • I really need to add some more non-fiction in, it’s not like I don’t have lots on my shelves waiting.
  • Each month I would like to read at least 3 books from the horror/dark fantasy/fantasy genre. This type of book has always been my comfort read and I’ve neglected it lately.

Weird. Strange. Unusual. Keywords.
I find these keywords posts highly amusing, so I thought I would start highlighting some of the more bizarre things that have led people to my site. This is my first time, I’m not nearly as witty as most of you and my sense of humour has always been a little on the dark side. So here are the ones that made me lol.

2967556701_0a335d5274 "screwed up life of charlie" – No idea who Charlie is, or why he’s screwed but how weird is it that a search term ended up causing me to add a book to my TBR mountain :P

Oryx And Crake – Endings – Not to be bitchy but, just read the damn book.

"Bentley Little retiring ? – OMG I sure hope not!

New Years gangbang Kentville – Wow, and here I always thought Kentville was such a pleasant little town.

Are they making a movie about the book th1rteen r3asons why by jay asher ? – I don’t know, but I think it’s an awesome idea and I would love to watch it.

negative review opinion the shacknegative reviews on the shacknegative reviews to the shack"the shack by william young negative reviewsthe shack did not like ✔ Plus many, many more. I hated this book, but now I’m wondering if it’s the same person doing all this searching :0

the shack tricked me – Yes, yes it did – the cover synopsis for this book is about as fake as those gorgeous girls you see on the front of X-rated movies. What’s really inside is more than likely to burn your retina.

what's the plural of series – I have no idea, most of the time I just pop a ‘ at the end.

Where do i find the book coraline in crawford county -  Well you could try the library it’s on Plum Street in Michigan. Twelfth Street in Arkansas and McCrary Street in Georgia.

zombies porno photos – of for the love of god, there must be 800 hits on my site for this phrase and as much as I love zombies, this is just gross people. Why aren’t you all checking out coroner’s websites or something? Is there really a market for this? Oh who am I kidding, of course there must be.

Circle of zombies masturbating – LMAO, ewww, seriously who searches for these things?

zombie woman porn – Okay, okay here you go ----------------------->

© 2008-2010 Joanne Mosher of The Book Zombie. All rights reserved.


Stephanie said...

Those are some kick-ass stats!! You are going to be my new reading hero!! If I could figure out how to forego sleep, I would be able to read more.

A lot of your books are on my TBR list. A list that has exponentially grown since I started my blog two years ago. I don't think there is any way I'll be able to read all the books I want before I die, but I guess it's going to be fun just trying!!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Ewww is right! And I thought some of mine were bad.

Ana S. said...

lol, those are some messed up search terms.

What did you think of Fairy Tale? I'm considering that one for the Manga challenge. So I'd love it if you reviewed it and helped me decide :P

Anonymous said...

Twenty two books? Goodness gracious. That's a lot to be proud of.

As for uhh, the zombie porn stuff... that's kind of weird.

Darlene said...

Wow, great month of reading! I thought I did good at 10-lol. I hope February will be just as productive.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this is the first time I've noticed it, but can I just say that I love the graphic you posted next to your list! It looks awesome!


bermudaonion said...

This post looks fantastic! I try not to worry about my TBR pile, too. If I did, I'd probably never sleep.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I just googled "zombie sex." You DO NOT want to go to some of these places!

I'm so envious! I read about 3 or 4 books last month, and that seemed like a lot!

Anonymous said...

Wow, great stats! and the search phrases - I love your take on them!

Anonymous said...

wow. I'm stunned into admiration for how many books you read. and I don't get any strange search term hits for my blog. Am I really so boring!?

Anonymous said...

OMG...a zombie circle jerk...it just boggles the mind.

Kailana said...

You had quite the reading month! You read a lot of good books. I reviewed everything I read in January by writing reviews right after finishing books, but since it is more my style to not review books... I am not sure how long it is going to last!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Great recap! I also really love your stats graphic. The entire post looks so nice :)

The Bookworm said...

great books read in january :O)
I like to write my reviews as soon as I finish the book too, this way the book is still fresh in my mind.
fun search phrases!


Iliana said...

Wonderful stats!

I keep telling myself I need to review books as soon as I finish them so they'll be fresh on my mind too but you know how that goes! :)

Hope you'll have another great reading month in February.

Eileen said...

I wrote a negative review called "Twilight: An Exposition and Protest." According to Statcounter I seem to get a lot of people searching for "twilight exposition," "what is the exposition of twilight," etc. Interestingly, they usually only stay for about zero seconds.

But "circle of zombies masturbating"??? WTF???? I've never gotten anything that weird!

Anonymous said...

Man, oh man, I just love your stats card!

Jill said...

I love your stats card! So cute! And what is the deal with your search terms? I am a bit jealous. I looked at mine, and they all seem to have been written by straightlaced Victorian maiden aunties or something. Bo-ring. Hmmph. :-)