Life Is A Highway: Terrible Song … Perfect Metaphor

Weird title for a post eh? But it fits how I’m feeling right now. Reminds me of that totally awesome feeling I have when speeding down a freshly paved highway, no cars in sight. Such a smooth ride, with the perfect breeze coming in the windows. I could drive like that for hours (and I have once on a straight 11 hour shot from Halifax to Montreal.) But then something cruddy happens: road construction, speed trap, tourists driving an RV at 30 below the speed limit. And suddenly all the happiness is gone and I feel like a nutter.

Anyway, 2 weeks ago (wow has it really been that long?) something happened that really threw my family for a loop. And I need to say thank you to everyone who left comments of support – seriously you guys are amazing. By writing out that post I did feel a little better, but truly it was the warm, thoughtful comments and advice that really helped me. It helped that I didn’t feel alone in my own head. It helped to hear that others felt the same. Thank you, thank you, thank you – I cannot say it enough.

As for how my son is getting on, he’s bounced back amazingly. I did some research, made some calls, and learned about the impact violence can have on kids. During this I heard terrifying things, so in my head I knew the worst case scenarios, maybe that helped a bit. The sleeplessness, loss of appetite and slight anxiety he experienced are normal and actually very positive compared to what could have occurred. Also we found out how to get on with life, basically we learned to live our normal lives but not to ignore what happened. So this incident is not a taboo topic. During a family reunion my son got a little anxious but everyone knew why and offered a hug or smile. We are not coddling, but we are being supportive when he needs it.

The hardest thing has been my instinct to protect him, keep him in sight. But that could be more harmful that anything. My son has been spending lots of time with his friends (an amazing group of teens who rallied around him in support) going to movies, sleep-outs, game tourneys, and just hanging out. Today he’s going to the beach with a friend of his whose visiting for the summer. My son is awesome and I’m so happy to say that.

However, the criminal outcome of all this is not going as well as I would like. The local police had handed  the case over to a special group of investigators. Apparently this is because of something going on that involves other crimes, that my son’s incident may be related to. The information our family has received so far is zilch. There have been quite a few reports coming from the same area where my son was attacked, a man was stabbed in the same spot, robberies, vandalism etc. At any given time of day when we drive through the area there are cop cars parked. It’s strange to see a crime-free area suddenly becoming dangerous.

Whoops, this was supposed to be just a short update. So, my son is doing terrific, and that’s the only thing that matters to us. It looks like this was just a traffic jam, and it’s clear driving for the next leg of our journey. (metaphorically speaking) :)

© 2008-2010 Joanne Mosher of The Book Zombie. All rights reserved.


tinylittlelibrarian said...

I just read about what happened below - belatedly, I'm so sorry it happened to your son! I'm glad he's doing okay and is awesome. :) I hope the slow wheels of justice will eventually get there, it sounds like these guys really need some hardcore jail time. Take care.

bermudaonion said...

I'm so glad to see that your son is doing so well. I know you must be frustrated with the criminal investigation because I sure am! Dealing with this is tough on everyone, but it sounds like you are doing an amazing job. Keep your chin up!

Ana S. said...

I'm so glad your son is doing well, Joanne! Teens have an amazing ability to bounce back a lot of the time. And thank you for the update - I've been thinking about you over the fast few days and it's great to know you are your family are okay.

christina said...

I am glad to hear that your son is doing better, and am even more happy to hear that he has a great group of friends to support him.

Amy said...

Also glad to hear your son is doing well, Joanne, thanks for the update! :)

Kailana said...

Oh, good! I asked how you were doing on Twitter, but this is a much more detailed reply that I would've got on here. I am glad things are going back to normal and I hope the law part of equation starts to work out, too!

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering how it was going, so it's good to hear from you! Your son sounds like an incredible guy...from his original reaction to his admirable recovery!

Debi said...

I hope you don't mind my saying this, but I think you are one truly incredible mom! I'm so thrilled to hear your son's doing so well!!! And that has to do with the strength and resilience of your son...but also with the unwavering support of his family. And it sounds like you've been there being exactly what he needed every step of the way. I can understand that instinct to overprotect and I'm in awe of the way you've fought it. I'd like to think that in that situation I could be strong and fight the desire to keep my child in my sight 24/7, but I'm not sure I could.
The police side of the situation must be unbelievably frustrating. And I hope in the end, justice is served. But in the meantime, it sounds like you all are doing the right thing in concentrating on what really matters...the fact that your son is doing so well.

Darlene said...

It's good to hear from you Joanne. I've been thinking a lot about your family in these last weeks and hoping you were doing well. I'm so glad to hear your son is doing good and bouncing back. It helps to have the wonderful support of his parents too. I'd have a hard time letting him out of my sight too but that's part of the healing process for him so he isn't scared all the time. It would be so difficult though. I hope in the end justice is served. This kind of thing just shouldn't happen.

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like you have a remarkable son, who no doubt has remarkable parents. I'm glad he has great friends, as well. Thanks for the update!

Icedream said...

I am so glad your son is bouncing back. Loving support from friends and family mean so much and really make a difference. I have to say that I am thrilled to see you are back posting, I missed you Joanne.

Suey said...

Thanks for the update. Good to hear that you are back on the highway! I can imagine that it must be hard to let him go out and "be normal." But like you said, I guess that's the only way to deal with it. Hope all continues to go well.

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

I'm so glad to read that your son is doing better. He his lucky to have such amazing friends and family to support him through this. Hopefully the criminals will soon be put behind bars; things like this shouldn't happen, really.

Andi said...

So glad to hear that your son is doing well and that his friends have rallied around him. Best wishes for a positive outcome to all this. I hope they catch the a-holes!

Anonymous said...

I just read your post about what happened...we live in a neighborhood that is rough. There are no illusions of feeling safe and that is a total shame. We shouldn't have to feel this way.

B.Kienapple said...

Hi Joanne, just wanted to say I love your (new?) template and hope you're doing well, especially re: the above.

S. Krishna said...

Hi, I'm working on BBAW (Book Blogger Appreciation Week) and your blog has been nominated for an award. More information will be forthcoming via e-mail, but I need you to send me your e-mail address as soon as possible (within the next 48 hours at the latest). My e-mail address is skrishna [at] skrishnasbooks [dot] com. Thanks!

For more information on BBAW, here is the website:

Care said...

So good to have you back and what a relief reading this post. I think you are the coolest. AND congrats on the BBAW nomination - I know I nom'd you for something so YIPPEE!

Florinda said...

Please see the comment from S.Krishna - I'm requesting your e-mail address as well, for a different BBAW award nomination :-)! Please reply to this comment by e-mail to 3.rsblog AT Gmail DOT com (TODAY if possible) so we can follow up on your nomination.


for the BBAW Awards

Elizabeth (Need More Shelves) said...

Hello! I'm writing to let you know that you have been nominated for a Book Blogger Appreciation Week Award for Best Literary Fiction Blog. Please email me ASAP at for more information on your nomination. (FYI - the deadline is Friday, August 21.) Congratulations!

Elizabeth (Need More Shelves) said...

Hello! I'm writing to let you know that you have been nominated for a Book Blogger Appreciation Week Award for Most Eclectic Taste. Please email me ASAP at for more information on your nomination. (FYI - the deadline is Friday, August 21.) Congratulations!

Zibilee said...

I am so glad that your son is doing better. I know it will take time, but small steps can be good too. I hope the criminals in this case end up going to jail.

Zibilee said...

I am so glad that your son is doing better. I know it will take time, but small steps can be good too. I hope the criminals in this case end up going to jail.

Ceri said...

I'm really glad your son is doing better. I'm sure your family's pulling together well for him and for all of you. The best of wishes to you all.

I really hope the criminals get put behind bars. They sound like some awful pieces of work and I hope they get what's coming to them.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'm so glad to hear that your son is recovering from this, and that you are feeling better as well. I wish there was better news on the law enforcement front. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that they'll be able to take the men down.

Anonymous said...

Its all in the manual they make you read before they download your being into those tiny bodies in those dark wombs.